Saturday, October 20, 2007

Southland News.....

Well, I will have to tell you where From the Southland came from. Brad thought he would be funny and got into my account and changed my name. Well, I actually liked it because that is just where I am from. So I thought I would write a little about a few people who can give you a true feel of the south. I have a girl who baby sits for me and she is a great singer. She is a senior in high school and is working her way to being a well known singer. I couldn't post her song on my site but visit her site and you can hear a beautiful song about a town in the south that if you ever get to visit is a must. Savannah, The true southern heritage still excist.
Another true southern lady and most may know of her is Paula Dean. I just love her accent and she is so funny. She was on Oprah one time and she was showing Oprah how to cook. Well Oprah said isn't that fattening. And funny Paula said, I am not on here to be your doctor I am here to show you how to cook. The clipping is on . Well, Paula herself is from Savannah and has a restuarant there. So if you ever get a chance to visit Savannah it is a town of its own charm. You can visit her site at

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